From orchard to jar Filotto Senga represents the perfect combination of tradition, respect for nature and passion for cooking. The 20 hectares of land are used with care and attention to cultivate fruit and vegetables th... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Quince Apples Quince Apples The fruit, originating in Asia Minor, produces hard, fragrant fruit with intense yellow flesh. The sweet and spicy condiment is a thick, fragrant cream with a sweet-and-sour flavor, perf... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Pear & Lambrusco wine Pear Lambrusco wine This jam is made with hand-picked pears grown on the company's own land, following the traditional mantuan recipe with no preservatives or thickeners. The pears are meticulously pr... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Mantova Mantova Home to the prestigious Gonzaga family, the city boasts historic landmarks such as the Ducal Palace, Piazza delle Erbe, Sant'Andrea Basilica, and Bibiena Theatre. Explore the unique culinary t... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Manifacturing Manufacture The term "manufacture" refers to the complex processing of a raw material, whether done by hand or machine, in order to transform it into consumer objects. Vania Vicentini, a collaborator ... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Red Cows Red Cows Grana D'oro , from the Catellani family, produces Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse , a famous breed of cattle also used in nativity scenes. These animals arrived from the east with the first ... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga
Mostarda Mostarda Mantuan mostarda is a typical condiment of the Lombard culinary tradition, made through a long and laborious artisanal process that emphasises its flavour and consistency. The fruits or veget... Italian cheese cheese mostarda senga